Thursday, December 15, 2011

1112.3092 (Nobuyuki Kanda et al.)

LCGT and the global network of gravitational wave detectors    [PDF]

Nobuyuki Kanda, the LCGT collaboration
Gravitational wave is a propagation of space-time distortion, which is predicted by Einstein in general relativity. Strong gravitational waves will come from some drastic astronomical objects, e.g. coalescence of neutron star binaries, black holes, supernovae, rotating pulsars and pulsar glitches. Detection of the gravitational waves from these objects will open a new door of \textit{`gravitational wave astronomy'}. Gravitational wave will be a probe to study the physics and astrophysics. To search these gravitational waves, large-scale laser interferometers will compose a global network of detectors. Advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo are upgrading from currents detectors. One of LIGO detector is considering to move Australia Site. IndIGO or Einstein Telescope are future plans. LCGT (Large-scale Cryogenic Gravitational wave Telescope) is now constructing in Japan with distinctive characters: cryogenic cooling mirror and underground site. We will present a design and a construction status of LCGT, and brief status of current gravitational wave detectors in the world. Network of these gravitational wave detectors will start in late 2016 or 2017, and may discover the gravitational waves. For example, these detectors will reach its search range for coalescence of neutron star binary is over 200 Mpc, and several or more events per year will be expected. Since most of gravitational wave events are from high-energy phenomenon of the astronomical objects, these might have counterpart evidences in electromagnetic radiation (visible light, X/gamma ray), neutrino, high energy particles or others. Thus, the mutual follow-up observations will give us more information of these objects.
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