Tuesday, February 21, 2012

1202.4051 (Katherine H. Kenyon et al.)

Citations to Australian Astronomy: 5 and 10 Year Benchmarks    [PDF]

Katherine H. Kenyon, Arjun Paramasivam, Jiachin Tu, Albert Zhang, Alister W. Graham

1202.4179 (R. Bernabei et al.)

No role for muons in the DAMA annual modulation results    [PDF]

R. Bernabei, P. Belli, F. Cappella, V. Caracciolo, R. Cerulli, C. J. Dai, A. d'Angelo, A. Di Marco, H. L. He, A. Incicchitti, X. H. Ma, F. Montecchia, X. D. Sheng, R. G. Wang, Z. P. Ye

1202.4277 (Saitoh R. Takayuki et al.)

A Density Independent Formulation of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics    [PDF]

Saitoh R. Takayuki, Junichiro Makino

1202.4289 (Wolfgang Schmidt et al.)

The GREGOR solar telescope on Tenerife    [PDF]

Wolfgang Schmidt, Oskar von der Lühe, Reiner Volkmer, Carsten Denker, Sami Solanki, Horst Balthasar, Nazaret Bello Gonzalez, Thomas Berkefeld, Manuel Collados, Axel Hofmann, Franz Kneer, Andreas Lagg, Klaus Puschmann, Dirk Schmidt, Michal Sobotka, Dirk Soltau, Klaus Strassmeier

1202.4421 (M. Branchesi et al.)

Electromagnetic follow-up of gravitational wave transient signal candidates    [PDF]

M. Branchesi, for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, for the Virgo Collaboration