Monday, July 16, 2012

1207.3093 (K. Kinemuchi et al.)

Demystifying Kepler Data: A Primer for Systematic Artifact Mitigation    [PDF]

K. Kinemuchi, T. Barclay, M. Fanelli, J. Pepper, M. Still, Steve B. Howell

1207.3189 (Joseph J. Mohr et al.)

The Dark Energy Survey Data Processing and Calibration System    [PDF]

Joseph J. Mohr, Robert Armstrong, Emmanuel Bertin, Gregory E. Daues, Shantanu Desai, Michelle Gower, Robert Gruendl, William Hanlon, Nikolay Kuropatkin, Huan Lin, John Marriner, Don Petravick, Ignacio Sevilla, Molly Swanson, Todd Tomashek, Douglas Tucker, Brian Yanny, the Dark Energy Survey Collaboration

1207.3273 (Christoph U. Keller et al.)

Extremely fast focal-plane wavefront sensing for extreme adaptive optics    [PDF]

Christoph U. Keller, Visa Korkiakoski, Niek Doelman, Rufus Fraanje, Raluca Andrei, Michel Verhaegen

1207.3329 (C. E. Grant et al.)

Using ACIS on the Chandra X-ray Observatory as a particle radiation monitor II    [PDF]

C. E. Grant, P. G. Ford, M. W. Bautz, S. L. O'Dell

1207.3347 (Carlos E. Cunha et al.)

Spectroscopic failures in photometric redshift calibration: cosmological biases and survey requirements    [PDF]

Carlos E. Cunha, Dragan Huterer, Huan Lin, Michael T. Busha, Risa H. Wechsler